Virginia Autism Providers

Physicians, therapists, hospitals, mental health facilities, other care providers, with a specific focus on treating the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adults, and located in the state of Virginia, USA.
Review and find Autism medical providers sorted by region in the United States. To review all services, please visit ASD Services & Support Resources.

Autism Society Central Virginia

Autism Society Central Virginia is the leading source of information and referral on autism in the Richmond, VA area. As the local affiliate of the national Autism Society of America, has been providing over 25 years of non-profit services, advocacy and support to families and professionals involved with autism.

VCU Autism Center for Excellence

The Virginia Autism Resource Center (VARC) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) – Autism Center for Excellence is a statewide resource center dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families. VARC through integrative research, outreach and collaborative initiatives, promotes and facilitates best practices for those diagnosed within the autism spectrum.

UVA Sheila C. Johnson Center

Services through the Supporting Transformative Autism Research (STAR) initiative at the Autism Spectrum Services at University of Virginia Sheila C. Johnson Center. STAR aims to improve the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through interdisciplinary research, training, clinical services, and outreach. As part of this mission, the center offers clinical assessment and treatment services.

Virginia Tech Autism Clinic

The Virginia Tech Autism Clinic offers a variety of clinical services to children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) .

Centra Health Autism & Developmental Services

Centra Health through it’s Autism & Developmental Services initiative provides comprehensive psychological, medical and allied professional services for children living with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as well as other pediatric developmental disorders, along with their families.

Living On The Spectrum?
Review Available Resources

A clearing house of resourceful information specifically pertaining to individuals and their caregivers as related to ASD and other mental health conditions. 

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