Georgia Autism Providers

Physicians, therapists, hospitals, mental health facilities, other care providers, with a specific focus on treating the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adults, and located in the state of Georgia, USA.
Review and find Autism medical providers sorted by region in the United States. To review all services, please visit ASD Services & Support Resources.

Emory University Autism Center

The Emory Autism Center is part of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Emory University School of Medicine and the Emory Brain Health Center. Since 1991 as a public, private and University collaboration, focused on producing and using knowledge, strategies and tools to improve the quality of life for each person served, while increasing the capacity for support within local communities across Georgia.

UGA Center for Autism and Behavioral Education Research

The Center for Autism and Behavioral Education Research is focused on research, training for educators and therapists, and providing needed services to the community for individuals with autism spectrum disorders or other developmental disabilities (of all ages), and children who are struggling either academically or behaviorally.

Georgia Autism Center

Georgia Autism Center provides assessment, diagnosis, coordination of care, educational planning or assistance with the development of IEPs, and support as Autism specialist, Pediatric Psychology, more.

Marcus Autism Center

Marcus Autism Center leads the way in caring for kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and making breakthrough research discoveries to advance the future as a Autism Treatment Center.

Atlanta Autism Center

Atlanta Autism Center provide comprehensive, family-centered diagnostic and therapy services for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Living On The Spectrum?
Review Available Resources

A clearing house of resourceful information specifically pertaining to individuals and their caregivers as related to ASD and other mental health conditions. 

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